Uncertain Futures
+100 Women

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© Michael Pollard
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© Audrey Albert
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© Marge Bradshaw

Between September 2022 and March 2023, the participatory research team co-analysed the anonymised interviews of 100 older women. The co-analysis of interviews was completed by our research team, led by the researchers from the University of Manchester, Dr. Elaine Dewhurst and Manchester Metropolitan University, Dr. Sarah Campbell and includes Advisory Group members Atiha Chaudry, Rohina Omen, Marie Greenhalgh and Dr Tendayi Madzunzu.

First, the participatory element of the project is central to the work. The Advisory Group of 14 women represent an extremely diverse and empowered cross section of the Manchester population and have been participants in every aspect of the project, including the exhibitions as well as the research design, the questions to ask, the recruitment of interviewees, and the analysis of data.

Second, the cross section of 100 interviews is so deeply representative of the intersectional issues faced by Manchester women that the data pool is truly unique in the world of such studies. The work resulting from this research endeavour is bound to make a difference in local, perhaps national communities and among policy makers.

The research question being investigated is: 'What are the experiences of work and worklessness for women over 50 in Manchester in relation to work and retirement?'

Along the way our researchers published an article, Gerontology, Art and Activism: Can the intersection of art, social research and community power lead to lasting change? in the prestigious Gerontologist Magazine, and an extensive research report, Uncertain Futures: 100 Women, which highlights the key themes and recommendations of our research. We created a short documentary, Uncertain Futures Research Findings. Reporting out on the research in conferences, on panels and in the media continues through the research team, which continues to consult on tool kits and papers.

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The outcomes of this research will impact change in our communities. Besides the participatory research reports and recommendations, this involves a number of events and public engagement opportunities as well as learning opportunities. The Research Team have developed key recommendations for action within the report and in the form of a Manifesto. We are committed to recommendations which are sustainable, real, and will change women's lives for the better at a local and national level.

Uncertain Futures
+100 Women
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